Monday, January 28, 2008

An Apology For Slavery

The institution of slavery invokes painful memories and has caused some to wonder how could anyone have thought that slavery was an acceptable practice. It appears that the state of New York has recognized and want to show how they now feel regarding the issue of slavery:

For the second straight year, the Assembly has passed a bill that would make New York one of the few states to formally apologize for slavery, which was legal here until 1827. The bill stalled in the Senate last year, but Assemblyman Keith L. T. Wright, a Democrat from Harlem and the bill’s sponsor, said he had been assured by the Senate majority leader, Joseph L. Bruno, that this time it would be passed in the Senate.

New York was the biggest importer of slavery in the United States of America except for South Carolina.

Let's hope other states follow suit in order to somewhat heal the wounds from slavery.

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