Thursday, January 17, 2008

Lawyer Blames Child For Her Own Death

In his bid to possibly become the next Johnnie Cochran, attorney Jeffrey T. Schwartz reached a new low when he insinuated that Nixzmary Brown, the 7 year old who was murdered by her stepfather, had it coming when he made the following argument in court yesterday:

Nixzmary was a force of destruction who terrorized her five younger siblings. What’s more, who refused to be disciplined, slipping the ropes that bound her to the chair in her room, just out of reach of the litter box she was forced to use as a toilet.

“She was a little Houdini,” who needed to be corrected and on the last night of her life, after she helped herself to a forbidden container of yogurt, her stepfather, Cesar Rodriguez, administered a beating.

Mr. Rodriguez hit Nixzmary with his hands and with a belt, thrust her head under running cold water in the bathtub, and left her naked and shivering on the bare floor of her room.

This is a new low, Mr. Schwartz, and if your goal is to garner fame, you have definitely chosen the wrong approach.

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